The “Portents of the Hour” Eschatological combats in the Sunni Islam and biblical traditions Pierre Lory Notice
Muslim counter-elites in Central Asia and the Middle East Interview with Stéphane Dudoignon Snapshots
Pentecostal Translations and Conversions in Power. Inquiry into Pentacostalism and Development in Southwest Benin Carla Bertin Article
A global approach to the Spanish monarchy Pierre-Antoine Fabre Interview with Bernard Vincent Itineraries
Antiracism and Spiritual Universalism. Japan, India, and the Development of Internationalism Akio Tanabe Article
From French laïcité to normative theory of religion (and return) Cécile Laborde, Luc Foisneau Article
Colonial in the Vernacular: the god Jagannath and his ‘tribal’ origins in the State of Odisha (India) through historiography and present ethnography Raphaël Rousseleau Article